Helping Build Resilient Communities Across the Southwest Since 2000
For the past two decades, L.L. Consulting has worked with local governments, Main Street programs, redevelopment agencies, business associations, chambers of commerce, business improvement districts, community development corporations and downtown organizations assisting communities throughout the Southwest with the revitalization of their historic downtown cores, traditional commercial districts and neighborhood commercial corridors.
L.L. Consulting provides basic training for those communities who are just starting a revitalization program to advanced consulting services to help existing organizations and agencies sustain and expand their downtown and central business district efforts. All services are customized to the community or organization’s needs and resources and the team at L.L. Consulting pride themselves on providing hands-on assistance throughout the process guaranteeing success for all parties involved.
With over 25 years of experience, Lani Lott, President of L.L. Consulting has provided technical assistance and consulting services that include organizational formation and training, strategic planning, visioning and action plan development, Main Street Program development and management, Board facilitation and training, volunteer recruitment and management, and business retention and attraction strategies.
12780 Spring Rd, Nevada City, CA 95959
(602) 738-8381
Areas of Technical Assistance and Consulting
Strategic planning & Visioning
L.L. Consulting has assisted numerous non profit agencies, municipalities and/or related organizations with developing strategic plans targeted at moving their vision and mission forward. L.L. Consulting has facilitated planning sessions for communities whose population is less than 48 to as large to 100,000; rural or urban; 501 C 4,6 or 3’s; half day work sessions to a full day Board retreat.
OrganizationAl Assistance
L.L. Consulting continues to work with numerous communities evaluating their current organizational structure and providing consulting services and technical assistance to assist with developing short and long term policies and objectives targeted at fostering partnerships, enhancing long term sustainability of the organization and improving the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the entire community’s revitalization efforts.
Board Facilitation and Training
L.L. Consulting has facilitated hundreds of Board trainings, planning sessions and off-site retreats. Facilitations services are targeted at helping the leadership of non-profit organizations, business improvement districts, merchant associations, chambers of commerce and Main Street Programs with solidifying the organization’s mission, identifying broad base goals and objectives, discussing next action steps and aligning a funding plan to support implementation.
Tourism, Branding and Marketing Services
L. L. Consulting is often asked to work with the various downtown programs, chambers of commerce, visitor bureaus and/or other tourism organizations with drafting comprehensive marketing strategies, developing brand recognition programs and outlining marketing promotional and event tactics. Services often includes a robust community outreach strategy (focus groups, online survey, one-on-one stakeholder interviews, community meetings), facilitation services of the various tourism organizations and drafting of a fully developed plan.
Main Street Management
Over the last 20 years, L.L. Consulting has assisted 100’s communities and municipalities across the Southwest with launching new Main Street programs, helping sustain and enhance existing local state programs and/or integrating the Main Street Four Point Approach into existing revitalization and downtown development programs and identifying action steps to help ensure success at any level.
Presentations, Trainings & Workshops
L. L. Consulting has been providing an array of presentations and workshops for public agencies, small business organizations, Main Street Programs, conferences and educational seminars. Ms. Lott’s interactive style and professional presentation guarantees that every attendee will walk away from the educational session with an array of tools and resources that can be easily implemented and applied. Ms. Lott’s shares her “in the trenches” experience and practical approaches to help attendees understand the importance of working together.